Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nobel peace prize for Barrack Obama

OK, I'll admit it, I'm an Obama fan, his attitude is so much more positive then the retard who held the office 8 years before him...

His Holiness congratulates Obama, and in his letter to Obama it reads (from on Otober 10, 2009):

“The Committee has rightly noted your efforts towards a world without nuclear weapons and your constructive role in environmental protection. The 20th century was a century of bloodshed and all of us have the responsibility to make the 21st century a century of dialogue and co-operation. There is thus the need for concerted efforts from all sides in this highly interdependent world to promote and adopt a more compassionate approach."

"I have maintained that the founding fathers of the United States have made this country the greatest democracy and a champion of freedom and liberty. It is, therefore, important for today's American leaders to adopt principled leadership based on these high ideals. Such an approach will not only enhance the reputation of the United States, but also contribute tremendously to reducing tension in the world"

It may be interesting to also note the article "Obama’s Tibet plan: risks and opportunities" from ICT from 18 September.

Love & clear light,

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